Photos de l'exposition "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris"

Photos of the exhibition "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris"

Photos of the exhibition "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris" (November 6, 2017 - January 6, 2018) and associated events, at Galerie IDAIA Paris More i...
Evénement : Visites guidées 11 novembre, 2 & 9 décembre 2017

Event: Guided tours 11 November, 2 & 9 December 2017

Guided tours are offered to discover the exhibition " Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris ": Saturday, November 11 - 3:00 p.m. Saturday December 2...
Photos de la soirée Namatjira Project - 7 novembre 2017

Photos from the Namatjira Project party - November 7, 2017

Photos of the special "Namatjira Project" evening at the Australian Embassy in Paris - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 More info about the event S...
Evénement : Film et Table-ronde spécial Namatjira Project à Paris

Event: Film and special Round Table Namatjira Project in Paris

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Screening of the film "Namatjira Project" followed by a panel discussion at the Australian Embassy in Paris Namatjira...