Catalogue officiel pour Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mère de Toute Création

Official catalog for Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mother of All Creation

Official catalog accompanying the Ngaldjorlhbo exhibition | Mother of all Mother of All Creation in Paris. Edited by IDAIA (Sydney, Australia...
Ingrid Johanson visite l'exposition Ngaldjorlhbo

Ingrid Johanson visits the Ngaldjorlhbo exhibition

On Tuesday July 10, Ingrid Johanson, director of the Bábbarra Women's Center, visited the Ngaldjorlhbo exhibition in Paris. Ingrid lives in M...
l'Hon. Warren Snowdon MP visite l'exposition Ngaldjorlhbo

the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP visits the Ngaldjorlhbo exhibition

Image: Hon Warren Snowdon MP and Alison Postma, Assistant Curator of IDAIA On Monday July 2, a special visit to the Ngaldjorlhbo exhibition ...
Article sur l'exposition Ngaldjorlhobo d'Alina Reyes

Article on the Ngaldjorlhobo exhibition by Alina Reyes

Alina Reyes, right, during our guided tour Alina Reyes, participant in one of our guided tours, wrote an article about the Ngaldjorlhobo exh...
SBS French visite l'exposition "Ngaldjorlhbo"

SBS French visits the "Ngaldjorlhbo" exhibition

"Aboriginal art featured in an exhibition in Paris" By Christophe Mallet Saturday, June 9, 2018 The SBS French TV/Radio channel visited the N...
Photos des événements pour "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mère de Toute Création"

Photos of events for "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mother of All Creation"

Photos of the events for "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mother of All Creation" June 2018 at 8 Passage du Grand Cerf, Paris. More info:...
Discours des invitées d'honneur de l'exposition "Ngaldjorlhbo"

Speech by the guests of honor at the "Ngaldjorlhbo" exhibition

For the opening of the exhibition "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of Everything | Mother of All Creation" on Wednesday June 6 in Paris, we had the joy and...
Vernissage et Evénements Educatifs autour de "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mère de Toute Création"

Vernissage and Educational Events around "Ngaldjorlhbo | Mother of All Creation"

Public and educational events are offered around the exhibition Ngaldjorlhbo – Mother of Everything – Mère de Tout Création at Espace New Angles i...
3e Festival du Cinéma Aborigène Australien à Paris

3rd Australian Aboriginal Film Festival in Paris

After the undeniable success of its two previous editions, the Australian Aboriginal Film Festival returns this year, taking place in Paris from June 7 - 10, 2018.
Performance "Intertwined" dans le cadre des Jeux du Commonwealth 2018 (Gold Coast, Australie)

"Intertwined" performance as part of the 2018 Commonwealth Games (Gold Coast, Australia)

The performance “Intertwined” showcases the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists at the 2018 Commonwealth Games Festival (Gold C...
Exposition solo de l'artiste Penny Evans à la Lismore Regional Gallery, NSW (AUS)

Solo exhibition by artist Penny Evans at the Lismore Regional Gallery, NSW (AUS)

EXPOSURE " PENNY EVANS: DEATH TO A STEREOTYPE " March 17 - April 15, 2018 The artist Penny Evans , whose work Galerie IDAIA is happy...
Media : Reportage de Art District Radio

Media: Reporting by Art District Radio

Following the visit of its editor-in-chief on December 2, Art District Radio presents a fascinating report on Albert Namatjira and the movemen...