Inauguration et Evénements Educatifs autour de "Tjungu Tjukurrpa - Paris, voici nos Rêves !"

Inauguration and Educational Events around "Tjungu Tjukurrpa - Paris, here are our Dreams!"

September 10 and 12, 2022, PARIS. Public and educational events offered around the exhibition " Tjungu Tjukurrpa - Paris, here are our Dreams!...
Festival International des Textiles Extraordinaires

International Festival of Extraordinary Textiles

Sept. 20, 2022 - March 26, 2023, CLERMONT-FERRAND. For its 10th edition, entitled Imagine! , the International Festival of Extraordinary Textil...
Une délégation d'artistes d'Ikuntji à Paris !

A delegation of Ikuntji artists in Paris!

A delegation from the cooperative of aboriginal artists Ikuntji will be present in Paris in September 2022. On this occasion, a special exhibiti...
NAIDOC Week à Paris : table ronde sur le commerce éthique d'art aborigène

NAIDOC Week in Paris: round table on the ethical trade of Aboriginal art

July 7, 2022, PARIS. As part of the special program organized to celebrate NAIDOC Week in Paris , the Australian Embassy is hosting a round...
Photos de l'exposition "Artistes d'Ikuntji" à Lyon

Photos of the exhibition "Artists of Ikuntji" in Lyon

June 9 - July 9, 2022. The Gallery 7 Showroom, LYONS. More info about the exhibition Exhibition "Weaving Culture 2 - The Artists of Ikuntji: Jou...
IDAIA lance la collection IKUNTJI au BHV Marais

IDAIA launches the IKUNTJI collection at BHV Marais

January 29, 2022, PARIS. Exclusively for BHV, IDAIA is launching its new collection of Aboriginal textile accessories IKUNTJI at BHV MARAIS f...
Photos de l'exposition "Dessin du territoire - Territoire du dessin" à Paris

Photos of the exhibition "Drawing of the territory - Territory of the drawing" in Paris

October 20, 2021 - January 7, 2022. Australian Embassy in France, PARIS. More info about the exhibition Inauguration ceremony to celebrate the ...
Inauguration et Evénements Educatifs autour de "Dessin du territoire - Territoire du dessin"

Inauguration and Educational Events around "Drawing of the territory - Territory of the drawing"

November 24 and 25, 2021, PARIS. Festive and educational events organized around the exhibition Drawing of the territory – Territory of the drawi...
Photos du Pop-up au Carreau du Temple

Photos of the Pop-up at Carreau du Temple

24 – 26 Sep 2021, PARIS. More info about the event Images © IDAIA
Photos de l'exposition "Peindre sa culture - Artistes Aborigènes contemporains"

Photos of the exhibition "Painting your culture - Contemporary Aboriginal Artists"

Sept. 18 – Nov. 7, 2021, LE HAVEN. More info about the exhibition Images © IDAIA & Incarnato Gallery
"Dessin du territoire - Territoire du dessin" accueillie à l'Ambassade d'Australie à Paris

"Drawing of the territory - Territory of the drawing" hosted at the Australian Embassy in Paris

After the city of Le Havre, the Australian Embassy is hosting "Drawing of the territory - Territory of the drawing" from October 20, 2021 to Janua...
Interview au Carreau du Temple à Paris

Interview at the Carreau du Temple in Paris

Interview by the Carreau du Temple team in Paris, where IDAIA was invited to organize a temporary exhibition during Food Temple Australia, from Se...