Collections Textiles Aborigènes

Collections Textiles Aborigènes

  1er juin – 7 septembre 2024, PARIS.    Lancée à l'occasion de la Semaine Nationale de Réconciliation Australienne (National Reconciliation Week...
Exposition "Peindre sa culture - Artistes aborigènes contemporains"

Exhibition "Painting your culture - Contemporary Aboriginal artists"

Sept. 18 – Nov. 7, 2021, LE HAVRE. Through a selection of paintings, sculptures and painted objects, the exhibition explores how artists...
Painting Now - Peindre aujourd’hui en terres aborigènes

Painting Now - Painting today in Aboriginal lands

July 10 - September 19, 2021, LE HAVRE. As part of the "Le Havre, Australian stopover" event, the city of Le Havre is hosting an excepti...
Exposition "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris"

Exhibition "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris"

November 6 , 2017 – January 6, 2018, PARIS. "Tjuritja Nana Mara to Paris" From our dear Tjuritja (Western MacDonnell Mountains) to P...